Do you appreciate or expect?
I recently read a nice article by Eric Worre, Trading Expectation for Appreciation, were he speaks about real appreciation. It struck a note with me and made me wonder how much I really appreciate people. Why would I ask this you might ask? Because we sometimes get so caught up in the expectations that we have of others that we forget to simply appreciate them for who they are.
I know some will bypass this and think that it isn’t them, but I think this idea has merit for all us. You see I know there have been times when I have been engrossed in the urgent and trapped in the tyranny of what’s next. The grip of that tyranny coupled with a sense of entitlement that it’s someone responsibility to meet our seemingly dire need leaves us with that sense of expectation. The sense that you should be what I expect you to be. It doesn’t matter that you’ve had a bad day, are hurting, or that my expectations are miles off target, I still rush to see my expectations met.
I think this is part of the human condition. It’s not something that I can claim as my proudest moments, yet it can be one of my better moments as I intentionally slow down and appreciate the moment and most importantly those who are sharing that moment with me. I think this is the perfect time of the year to remember to slow down and appreciate what we have when we have it. The time for entitlement is over. The time for experiencing the joy to be found in truly appreciating someone or something is here.
Take time this holiday season to appreciate the moment and the ones around you. I think you will discover it will expose you to a happier you and heartening relationships with those around you. I know this is my expectation for myself this holiday season. How about you?
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